Measure “shared” engagement with your social media effort

Measuring to improve is a very important part of getting better. Since many metrics and modalities exist its important to classify engagement and put specific measures in place to track and monitor them. This post will give you one set of measures to answer the question “How do we measure the value when someone “Digg”’s a post or they share your blog post on “delicious”? Or how many extended users does someone who participates on these networks actually influence? from Chris Brogan via Mukund Mohan of Buzzgain.

I think measurement is so important and one of the great tools that have been devised about the Interent. We actually get to much information sometimes. Is that bad, if not handled properly it is. But when put it creative minds it is wildly informative.

Remember, though social media is a pulling action. I use it for people to get to know me. Seldom, like any marketing tool can be used alone to seal the deal! Use it, evaluate it, disseminate it. But most of all enjoy it!
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