Addressing the Feedback Loops in OODA

I have spent the last several days searching for a YouTube video, information that discusses the feedback loops that are contained in this drawing of the OODA Loop: It seems when most people discuss OODA,  they spend most of their time talking about Observe-Orient-Decide-Act. Often they compare the process to PDCA which I disagree with Read More …

And What Else? – Michael Bungay Stanier

When we think of salesperson ability to close, it may not surround itself by solving a customer’s problem. They are multiple avenues for customers to achieve that and more likely is a commodity trap. The real power, your ability to close in today’s world is solving something entirely different. At the basic level, we still Read More …

Event Design Interview

This is the entire compilation of the interview with Ruud Janssen. Ruud is the co-author of a new book, Event Design Handbook: Systematically Design Innovative Events Using the EventCanvas, [arve url=”” align=”center”/] An overview of the book:  Event design is a new approach to systematically decompose and recompose the success of events. By using the #EventCanvas template, Read More …

Tap Into a Broader Talent Pool

Lisa Hufford founded Simplicity Consulting in 2006 as a result of her own shift from the corporate world to the world of consulting. She partners with companies of all sizes to help them go to market faster by tapping specialized project based talent and teaches professionals how to leverage their expertise and deliver value to Read More …

Are You Using Freelancers?

When we think of the term Freelancer, most of us think of a low-cost alternative worker. If Tim Ferris did anything in his The 4-hour Workweek book, he certainly legitimized the freelancer as someone that chooses this as a career option.  Nowadays, a Freelancer fits a much broader definition to include but no limited… Independent Read More …

How to Create Opportunity

Dr. Marc Sniukas is a global expert on strategic innovation for new growth and renewal, co-founder of Business Model Gallery – The World’s Largest Business Model Database, and adjunct professor of business innovation. Learn more about Marc at The Art of Opportunity: How to Build Growth and Ventures Through Strategic Innovation and Visual Thinking offers Read More …