Intersection of John Maxwell and Lean

Debbie McAllister of Hansei Coaching helps healthcare leaders through the heart and mind transformation of becoming a teacher so that they can develop their people into engaged problem solvers using the Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycle to eliminate patient harm. She uses the Lean foundation of respect for people, servant leadership, and intuition to integrate Read More …

The Toyota Kata: Know Can Do

In the book, Know Can Do, the authors (Blanchard, Meyer and Ruhe) outline 3 basic obstacles that prevent people from implementing what they learn. These obstacles are: Information Overload – trying to learn too much about too many things Negative Filtering – engaging in negative thought processes that prevent opening our minds to opportunities Lack of Read More …

Kaizen Event Stack

A collection of Business901 Podcasts that center on a Kaizen Event and the steps leading up to it. I have included a few meeting and communication transcriptions that I thought would prove beneficial. As of this writing, there are 13 transcriptions included. Kaizen Event Stack Stacks are a new way to organize your own publications, as Read More …

Marketing: Single Loop & Double Loop

This may seem like old-hat for many but visiting the basics of Systems Learning can be an excellent exercise, especially for someone that has not experienced it before. In the world of automation and big data, we have an abundance of information that we are acquiring. At a high level, it is more about what Read More …

Perfecting Your Pitch

A former BBC news correspondent and founder of One Perfect Pitch, a consulting firm based in San Francisco, Marie Perruchet introduces her new book on the art of pitching “One Perfect Pitch: How to Sell Your Idea, Your Product, Your Business–or Yourself”.   Listen/Download MP3 Business901 iTunes Store Mobile Version New Accessibility for the Business901 Read More …

Author Alan Moore discusses Do Design

Do Design: Why beauty is key to everything (Do Books) was the topic of my conversation with Alan Moore. Alan is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Working at the intersection between design, technology and business, he possesses a unique grasp on the changes that are reshaping our world and an insight and passion on how to transform organizations Read More …