Could your Six Sigma Storyboard Compete?

A Six Sigma Storyboard provides a quick, visual summary of a team’s work. They are very well suited as presentation materials to highlight the work of the project, the improvements made and for executive overviews.  I think Six Sigma Storyboard presenters should take it up a notch. A DMAIC presentation can have a little Jazz Read More …

Are you Coachable? – eBook

This is a transcription of a podcast, Best Practice for Self Coaching – Leadership 901 that I had with Howard Guttman principal of Guttman Development Strategies, Inc. (GDS), a Mount Arlington, NJ-based management consulting firm. When discussing Howard’s new book, Coach Yourself to Win: 7 Steps to Breakthrough Performance on the Job and In Your Read More …

Can we build organizations to foster good ideas?

New ideas come from networks and forming new networks create new ideas! People often credit their ideas to individual "Eureka!" moments. But Steven Johnson shows how history tells a different story. His fascinating tour takes us from the "liquid networks" of London’s coffee houses to Charles Darwin’s long, slow hunch to today’s high-velocity web. Great Read More …

Lessons from Escaping the Improvement Trap

Fact: Within any industry – be it hospitals, public accounting firms, manufacturing, governmental organizations or law firms — 20% of the organizations will be dramatically improving much more effectively than 80% of their competitors.  What does the top 20% do differently than the rest in their respective industries? In The Escape the Improvement Trap: Five Read More …

Crafting your Story

John Sviokla on The Havard Business Review wrote How would Walt Disney Market in 2009! Great article which points out the core principles that we can all learn from: Know the story is king. Utilize the newest technology to tell that ancient story in a new way. Coordinate the message across the media. Have the Read More …


Your storyboard should not be a a dry report but an active document that truly makes your project come alive! Storyboarding has become a popular way of transferring the details of a Six Sigma project to a graphical representation. Very much like your child’s fifth grade science fair project. The purpose of course it gives Read More …