Markovitz On Keeping Your Company Fit

Dan Markovitz helps organizations become faster, stronger, and more agile through the application of Lean Principles to knowledge work. He has worked with non-profit and governmental organizations, is a popular speaker and presenter, and a Shingo Prize Winner for his book, A Factory of One: Applying Lean Principles to Banish Waste and Improve Your Personal Performance.  Read More …

Are we too SMART in our goals?

When setting goals, we have all been taught to use the acronym SMART. Of course, SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound, just in case you forgot. We run our products, programs, and even our companies by this acronym. On top of this or an adjacent thought is the linear thinking of “cause Read More …

Leaders Developing Employees

In talking to Dan Markovitz, author of the new book Building the Fit Organization: Six Core Principles for Making Your Company Stronger, Faster, and More Competitive, I get the feeling that of the six principles in his book that the last chapter on The Coaching Triangle is the most important. An excerpt from this weeks Read More …

Training within Industry & Kata Stack

I will be adding a collection of Podcast Transcriptions through my Issuu channel called Stacks. Stacks are a new way to organize your own publications, as well as any other publications that you find interesting. For your own publications, after you are done publishing them, Stacks are an easy way for readers to discover all Read More …

Forming Expectations Through Promises

“If you can trust a promise, you can save a lot of time and effort. It helps you to form expectations, and that expectation is knowledge that you build up by having a relationship with something or some process or some personal device.” – Mark Burgess Related Podcasts and Transcription: The Theory of a Promise Read More …