Project Managing Flash-Mobs

The Optimization Triangle: leadership, project management, and individual learning is how Lou Russell  views the type of  work she does at Russell Martin & Associates.  I enjoy her project management books (I own 3 of them) and her Accelerated Learning Workbook (yes, I have that one) and recommend them. She recently sent me a leadership Read More …

A Clinic on Innovation Practices

The 300th Business901 Podcast  The Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation founding and current administrative director,  Barbara Spurrier MHA, is my guest this week on the Business901 podcast.  She has advised senior leaders in the health care industry for over two decades, serving as a champion for innovation in large, complex environments. She just recently co-authored Read More …

Do You Push Your Sales People into the Unknown?

One of the mistakes, I think, that sales people have is thinking that they have to have answers. My thought is that I would rather have a salesperson that pulls my organization into the unknown. If that happens, we are asking the right questions. Mario Andretti: “If everything’s under control, you’re going to slow.” You Read More …

Improvements Without Standard Work?

I was intrigued by Mark Hamel, author of  Kaizen Event Fieldbook: Foundation, Framework, and Standard Work for Effective Events that so much of his book is spent on Standard Work. Below is how he answered that question. Related Podcast and Transcription: Lean Business System Mark Hamel:  I think back to when I started learning from Read More …

Are Your Executives Using Machine Thinking?

The co-author of The Toyota Way to Continuous Improvement: Linking Strategy and Operational Excellence to Achieve Superior Performance. James Franz,  answered a question of mine around how executives are trained in their thinking. Related Podcast and Transcription: Toyota’s Continuous Improvement Joe: Is this what you mean by machine thinking that’s attractive to a lot of Read More …

Is Sales and Marketing Responsible for Knowledge Creation?

This discussion with Jack Vinson was previously cut from the original podcast. You can find the Related Podcast and Transcription at the Knowledge Game. Our discussion at the end of the podcast: Joe Dager:  I think people struggle with that concept of Knowledge Management. I just really, that’s why I was trying to find people Read More …