Designing Your Online Experience

Dana Sednek Bowler specializes in eLearning, virtual meetings/collaboration, project management, analytics tools & strategies, and leadership facilitation. She puts these skills to work at Interaction Associates as the online learning manager. Interaction Associates is a leading global innovator of proven solutions that transform the way people work to deliver extraordinary business results, or, what we Read More …

Is Sales Asking Disruptive Questions?

We have all heard of disruptive innovation, but just in case or if you need a quick overview from the creator: Disruptive innovation, a term of art coined by Clayton Christensen, describes a process by which a product or service takes root initially in simple applications at the bottom of a market and then relentlessly Read More …

The Wisdom of Ben Franklin

Ben Franklin has been an interesting figure in my life. Not exactly sure why except for he was a pretty cool guy. We have a dozen books about him to include the literary classic Ben and Me: An Astonishing Life of Benjamin Franklin by His Good Mouse Amos.  Ben became so much of our family Read More …

Finding Hidden Profits in Your Pricing (Mind Map)

This book, The Art of Pricing: How to Find the Hidden Profits to Grow Your Business, is an informal account of a range of pricing strategies that takes as a starting point the realization that different “customers place different values on the same products.” It served somewhat as my first introduction to contextual pricing.  If you Read More …

Make Your Company Indispensable Mind Map

A few years ago Joe Calloway wrote a book, Indispensable: How To Become The Company That Your Customers Can’t Live Without, that intrigued me. I made a mind map of the process and still take a few nuggets from it each time I review it.  The best reminder in the entire map is one of Read More …

Can You Make Online Collaboration Easy?

Next Weeks podcast guest, Dana Sednek Bowler specializes in eLearning, virtual meetings/collaboration, project management, analytics tools & strategies, and leadership facilitation. She puts these skills to work at Interaction Associates as the online learning manager. An excerpt from next week’s podcast: Joe: What do you think makes online collaboration difficult, or isn’t it? Should it Read More …