We’re all Event Planners Now

An excerpt from a conversation/podcast, I had with Russ Unger. Russ is a user experience consultant and the co- author of Designing the Conversation: Techniques for Successful Facilitation (Voices That Matter). Related Podcast and Transcription: Facilitation Guideline Advice Joe:     I had a feeling that this is somewhat, not necessarily the whole resume or the Read More …

Cutting Edge Storytelling

The Multiverse™ consists of eight different realms: Reality, Virtuality, Augmented Reality, Alternate Reality, Warped Reality, Augmented Virtuality, Physical Virtuality, and Mirrored Virtuality. This maybe considered cutting edge storytelling, see what celelbrated author Joe Pine author of Infinite Possibility says about about the Multiverse. I asked Joe in a podcast, “Can you possibly simplify this message for Read More …

Engaging with Tranmedia Storytelling

I asked Andrea Phillips an award-winning Transmedia writer, game designer and author, Marketing has moved from being a medium to get the message out, more as a medium of engagement. Storytelling may be the only way to engage people totally. Related Podcast and Transcription: A Primer on Transmedia Storytelling Andrea Phillips:  Absolutely, 100 percent. I’ve been Read More …

The Challenger & Customer Experience

Matt Dixon, an executive director of strategic research at CEB, has an unrelenting drive to find the answers to questions senior executives often take for granted. Matt’s latest books are The Effortless Experience: Conquering the New Battleground for Customer Loyalty and The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation. Related Transcription and Podcasts: Dixon Read More …

Storytelling: What Data Can’t Talk About

Everyone is told to tell stories. In sales and marketing area, we are told that to have people listen to us and remember what we say, frame it in a story.  But it doesn’t seem that a lot of people ever get any training in stories or how to construct good stories. I asked next Read More …

Do You Give the Customer the Proper Insight?

How many times have you walked away from a sales presentation wondering why the customer just did not get it? Why can’t they see the advantage in our product or service? What prevented them? We often here words mumbled like budget constraints or future considerations. We might hear that they have decided to focus energies Read More …