Comments on Teaching Service Design

#ServiceDesign Teacher and Practitioner, Vincenzo Di Maria work focuses on socially responsive design and innovation ranging from products to services and experiences. He trained as a designer at Central St. Martin’s College of Art Design in London, where he’ll be running the Service Design Summer Course the first two weeks of August this year. The Read More …

The Marriage in Lean Service Design

This may sound like Abraham Maslow’s saying, “If all you have is a hammer; everything looks like a nail” and if it does, I will admit that my principles and practices are with a Lean based approached. Most of the work I have seen to date in Service Design has been educational or Public Sector Read More …

At the Crossroads of Economics, Society, Culture & Technology is…

#ServiceDesign Specialist @sly or more formally Sylvain Cottong has worked extensively at these crossroads and as an early Internet evangelist, he has been advising governments & companies on strategies for the networked society.  He lives & works in Luxembourg and Berlin. An excerpt of the podcast can be read at An Economist who practices Service Read More …

A Lean Service Design Approach to Gaming your Training

#Gamification continues to be a hot subject. Gartner Group predicts Gamification will be a key trend that every CIO, IT planner and Enterprise Architect must be aware of as it relates to business. I think it goes deeper than that. A primer on Gaming with a Mindmap can be found at the Core Concepts of Read More …

Lean Planning, not just for Construction

Lean Construction Institute (LCI) co-founder and managing director, Gregory A. Howell was my guest on the podcast, The Pull in Lean Construction–Greg Howell. In the podcast, we focused on the decentralization of decision and the empowerment of the people that are in direct contact with the work are the key components of this discussion.  This Read More …

Accessing the Full Value of the Cloud

Thomas Koulopoulos, author of Cloud Surfing: A New Way to Think About Risk, Innovation, Scale and Success (Social Century) was my guest on the podcast, The Next Step in Cloud Computing–Humans. Tom is the author of eight books and founder of Delphi Group, a 20-year-old Boston-based think tank, which was named one of the fastest Read More …