Lean Sales and Marketing Summit is Quickly Approaching

In preparation for this Dwayne Butcher of the hosting organization, Lean Frontiers wrote this in a recent newsletter: Marketing activities such as developing promotion programs, branding, developing ads and writing copy are seen as creative processes that don’t lend themselves to systematization without losing the ability to think outside the box. Most efforts to improve Read More …

Finding your Vision, It may be as simple as Tapping your Shoes

There are several purposes to the Balance Scorecard. One of the most important is to create measures that are forward looking and proactive. This way the Balanced Scorecard can be an effective agent of organizational change. However, we can never start any forward thinking without a vision. I use to think that Vision and Mission Read More …

Does Lean solve some problems for ROWE

David Kasprzak, of the popular blog, My Flexible Pencil discussed ROWE in the Business901 podcast this week. ROWE is a concept developed by Jody Thompson and Cali Ressler, co-authors of the book, Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It: The Results-Only Revolution. ROWE stands for  Results-Only Work Environment. It is a revolutionary new way Read More …

Customer Flow: Not Linear or Controllable

Mark Tamis @ marktamis.com recently presented at the Selfservice Company UG and below is a copy of his slidedeck via slideshare. A blog post of Mark’s, Go With The Customer Flow is an insightful read. Read the entire thread to include the comments And…watch the video at the end of the blog post- exhilarating for Read More …

An Appreciative Look at the World

Onstage at TED2012, Peter Diamandis makes a case for optimism — that we’ll invent, innovate and create ways to solve the challenges that loom over us. "I’m not saying we don’t have our set of problems; we surely do. But ultimately, we knock them down.” Progress over the past 100 years: Average human life span Read More …

ROWE: Results-Only Work Environment

ROWE stands for  Results-Only Work Environment. It is a revolutionary new way of working that gives employees more responsibility and accountability for their work and the way they do it.  ROWE is the core of the CultureRx philosophy. ROWE is all about results. It’s all you need to increase productivity, engagement, employee retention — AND Read More …