Call it Building a Lean Sales and Marketing Machine

David Skok, a five time serial entrepreneur turned VC, at Matrix Partners presented this at a HubSpot Webinar last week together with Mike Volpe, the VP of Marketing at HubSpot.This video is 60 minutes long and well worth the time. A little promotional for Hubspot but in my opinion Hubspot is a quality product and Read More …

Using A3 to introduce Services Video

Lean technology has now evolved from the manufacturing floor to the whole enterprise. Many companies have found real value in applying the fundamental concepts of Lean throughout the organization. The lean concepts of Kaizen, PDCA and the tools such as Pareto Charts, 5 Why’s and even Poka Yoke are commonplace. As a result of discussing Read More …

Lean is Not a Revolution

As Dr. Balle said, “Toyota didn’t become number one by having lower manufacturing costs, they became number one by making cars people bought.” Excerpt from the Transcription of the Business901 Podcast, Outside the Walls of a Lean Enterprise: Joe:  Before you start can you define Kaizen? Are you defining Kaizen as just continuous improvement? Michael:  Read More …

Views on Lean IT with Dr. Michael Balle

Lean technology has now evolved from the manufacturing floor to the whole enterprise. Many companies have found real value in applying the fundamental concepts of Lean throughout the organization. The lean concepts of Kaizen, PDCA and the tools such as Pareto Charts, 5 Why’s and even Poka Yoke are commonplace. As a result of discussing Read More …

Standards in a Lean Enterprise

Lean technology has now evolved from the manufacturing floor to the whole enterprise. Many companies have found real value in applying the fundamental concepts of Lean throughout the organization. The lean concepts of Kaizen, PDCA and the tools such as Pareto Charts, 5 Why’s and even Poka Yoke are commonplace. However, the concept of Standard Read More …

Standard Work in Lean Services–Dr. Balle

Lean technology has now evolved from the manufacturing floor to the whole enterprise. Many companies have found real value in applying the fundamental concepts of Lean throughout the organization. The lean concepts of Kaizen, PDCA and the tools such as Pareto Charts, 5 Why’s and even Poka Yoke are commonplace. However, the concept of Standard Read More …