Affiliate Marketing an easy way to make money – Fact or Fiction

What prompted this post was a blog post on American Express Open Forum by Chris Brogan. Chris is one of my favorite bloggers and someone that I have always held in very high esteem. However, when I read his post it left me the impression that he made Affiliate Marketing seem like an easy way Read More …

Should work cells be used in Sales and Marketing

Cellular manufacturing is one of the most powerful lean tools. It will allow for smaller lot production, quality improvements, and shorter lead times and simplifies the implementation of pull. Typical manufacturing systems had the same machines all grouped together and as a result batch type manufacturing was developed. As manufacturers developed cellular systems, they found Read More …

Interview with Author of the Lean Blog, Mark Graban

A few months ago, I did a Podcast with Mark Graban, Senior Fellow at the Lean Enterprise Institute. I enjoyed talking to Mark and at the end of the Podcast; we went off the subject matter and started a discussion on social media. The tape was running and we recorded some additional thoughts on social Read More …

Themes that drive our Marketing

Do you think about what themes drive your marketing? Do you have a central marketing theme? A marketing theme is defined as a central marketing idea or message, or even a product benefit or feature, that is known to have maximum appeal to a targeted market segment. I put together a flash video that describes Read More …

The Seven Fascinating Triggers

THE SEVEN FASCINATION TRIGGERS MYSTIQUE – Why we’re intrigued by unanswered questions LUST – Why we’re seduced by the anticipation of pleasure ALARM – Why we take action at the threat of negative consequences POWER – Why we focus on people and things that control us VICE – Why we’re tempted by novelty and “forbidden Read More …

Go to MoSCoW and improve your marketing Copy

With a lot of help from Wikipedia: MoSCoW is a prioritization technique used in business analysis and software development to reach a common understanding with stakeholders on the importance they place on the delivery of each requirement – also known as MoSCoW prioritization or MoSCoW analysis. The capital letters in MoSCoW stand for: M – Read More …