The Cascading Effects of Lean in Your Marketing

Upcoming Presentation This breakout session is part of the Lean Leadership Week, which includes the Lean People Development Summit and Lean Accounting/Management Summit hosted by Lean Frontiers in Savannah, GA on October 24th & 25th, 2017. For more information visit: Title: The Cascading Effects of Lean in Your Marketing Session Abstract: Marketing is becoming less Read More …

The 5 Big Questions for Lean Marketing

In the book, The Lean Strategy, the authors compare the 5 Key Questions of Michael Porters’ seminal work on strategy to Toyota’s strategy. Michael Porter’s Strategy Model Shaped by 5 Key Questions How do you respond to the bargaining power of customers? How do you increase our bargaining power over suppliers? How do you counter the Read More …

Let’s make Lean Simple Again

I was taught Lean is simple: Find a problem, Solve a problem. It really is that simple to get started. Using my interpretation of Lean thinking, we start by: Capture what you are doing (CAP-Do) Create your Standard Practice (SDCA) Take one of those practices improve on it (PDCA) Try something new explore (EDCA) The percentage Read More …

The Kaizen Spirit (PDCA) Card

PDCA or Plan – Do – Check – Act The word “Kaizen,” if you break it down into its two Japanese root words, “kai” means change and “zen” means good. It’s not just about change or an iteration. It’s about making sure change is for the better, and that the change is what you intended. The essence Read More …

The WOW (Standard Work) Card

Growth Principle: Standards create the WOW therefore Standards have to be at the core of your growth strategy. SDCA or Standard – D0- Check – Act Standards are the most fundamental and misunderstood concept needed for growth. Your core values are the way you go about what you do and how you do it. It is what Read More …

The Reflection (CAP-Do) Card

CAP-Do – Check-Act-Plan-Do If you want to take a deep breath, you must first exhale For any work, Design, Project, Sales and Marketing, I start out by using CAP-Do. CAP-Do should be our first step. Starting with Check is not a new phenomenon. I have 3 books on my shelf that have used it from notable authors Read More …