Issues in Transitioning to a Lean Sales Environment

 Does Your Sales Compensation Incentivize the Correct Lean Behavior?  Does Your Sales Compensation Incentivize the Correct Agile Behavior? Is there a Secret Sauce Transitioning from Solo to Team Selling? PDF Download   Co-authors, Jeffrey Liker and David Meir, of The Toyota Way Fieldbook defined the Supplier Partnering Hierarchy of Toyota that consisted of 7 steps. I have always Read More …

Teaching Lean: See it, Solve it, Share it

The video starts out as a discussion on Dan Matthews’ latest book, Teaching People to See: Toyota’s Secret to Creating Exceptionally Engaged and Empowered Employees and quickly evolved to the fundamental 8-step problem-solving process. However, it was a people versus a tool conversation embodied in the saying, See it, Solve it, Share it. In my mind, this Read More …

Applying Deliberate Practice to the Cycles of Lean

In recent discussions, we have kept Lean in its simplest form the last week with breaking it down to the 4 Cycles, CAP-Do, EDCA, PDCA, EDCA . We provided scope and assembled a team using the SALES acronym: We used the Leval of Perspectives to understand the highest leverage of action we can take: However, none Read More …

Positioning Lean for Success

Previously when I was discussing, Let’s make Lean Simple Again, I had introduced the SALES Acronym for providing an overall scope to the effort and provide direction for the participating team. However, there is another challenge and that is ensuring we understand better the level of perspective we are facing. We want to understand the highest leverage Read More …

Can Lean Help Predict the Future?

Is your marketing system creating the forward thinking that you need? It is just not using predictive analytics. It is also developing the mind-shift that forecasting, recognizing trends should be a large part of your efforts.  The cliche I have used for years is that the role of marketing is just not getting the message Read More …