Are You Hiring Learners? 

I think about Lean as a knowledge creation model. PDCA provides feedback to justify our hypotheses and increase our knowledge. The rate of change or the speed of the improvement is a key competitive factor in today’s world. PDCA allows for major jumps in performance not through massive breakthroughs but through frequent small improvements. However, Read More …

How do you put Lean Thinking into use?

When I am working, I naturally migrate from different stages of thinking through the Lean Cycles of CAP-Do, SDCA, PDCA, EDCA. I use all of them at a micro and macro level but often in very different ways. Reading the book Making Thinking Visible (Amazon Link: helped me collect my thoughts on this subject. Read More …

Mastering Doing It

According to biz-life strategist TEDx speaker Cortney McDermott, and new author of the book, Change starts within you, now is the perfect time to master your to-do list. “There’s something about the instant gratification of checking off or, even better, drawing a thick line through a ‘to-do,’” says McDermott, author of Change Starts Within You. “But it’s not about chasing gold Read More …

Using SOAR at a Macro & Micro Level

The first steps of any Lean process are to identify value and create a current state. When working on the demand side of the equation, why should we identify the process through Non-Value Activities defined as waste (Weaknesses and Threats) versus the Value Added activities of SOAR? I often use SOAR in the initial sequence Read More …

Service Design Audio Collection

A special collection of Business901 podcasts on the subject of Service Design. The collection totals over four hours and the guests are listed in the order of appearance. Marc Stickdorn graduated in Strategic Management and Marketing and worked in various tourism projects throughout Europe. A leading proponent thru the years of Service Design, Marc co-authored Read More …