Engage, Retain & Develop Talent

“Organizations and managers should be intentional and aggressive about creating a culture in which people feel valued, significant, and fulfilled, a culture in which people truly look forward to going to work,” says Larry Sternberg. Managing to Make a Difference distills the authors’ fifty years of combined leadership and consulting experience focused on best practices in Read More …

Can Lean help Engineering be Sexy Again?

In this day of innovation, design, etc. it seems to me that the role of engineering has taken on practically a trade type nomenclature. What attracted many of us to this discipline is the desire to create things. Are engineers still considered at the cutting edge, innovative and entrepreneurial? I have used Lean Product Development as Read More …

What Should The Missing TWI Block Be Named?

In Lean we use TWI as a platform for developing people. However, we may not do so good of a job developing the Explore aspect (EDCA) of Lean through the process.  Any Thoughts? In Eric Ries’s new book, The Startup Way, he quoted Shigeki Tomoyama (who at the time was the chief officer of the IT Read More …

3Cs of the Lean Cycles (Expanded): SDCA, PDCA, EDCA

I think about Lean in three distinctively different ways: Tools: Documentation, problem-solving, development, design Structure: Creating a workflow to traverse between one to the other in a natural progression. Behavior: The way we practice to achieve specific outcomes in an efficient manner. By doing this, it allows me to move from micro to macro thinking Read More …

The Amazing Power of Added Insights

Tasha Eurich is an organizational psychologist, researcher, and New York Times best-selling author. She’s built a reputation as a fresh, modern voice in the leadership world by pairing her scientific grounding in human behavior with a pragmatic approach to business challenges. Her second book, Insight, delves into the connection between our self-awareness – what she Read More …