Mapping Scenarios for Lean Service Design

I have moved away from the typical Customer Journey and Service Maps so popular in most Service Design and Design Thinking circles. I think in presentations a linear flow is much easy to understand and draw out in a workshop. It is pretty cool to create this Buyer Persona and then walk that Persona through Read More …

Marketing Magic of Moses: Content, Stories and Targeting

Everyone will tell you it is about Content, Stories and Targeting (Relevance) your audience. Well, sure it is, we have been talking about that since before the days of Moses. Just look at what Moses offered: He was born a Hebrew, he was one of them. Evidence to lead: He was practically king of Egypt Read More …

Does Inbound Marketing limit your Growth?

My roots are in the process methodologies of Lean, Six Sigma, Theory of Constraints and a little Systems Thinking. I have built a fair share of auto-responders, workflows and 21-day programs. In fact, my first workflows were on a manufacturing floor long before that terminology became part of the inbound marketing lingo. I have found Read More …

Overlapping Structure of Power and Love

Adam Kahane is an international consultant, facilitating multi-stakeholders and complex negotiations. Best selling author of Solving Tough Problems and Power and Love, he shares his lesson learnt about the need of balancing the two forces of Power and Love. What most people think is that it is the culture that is difficult to change. However, Read More …

If Value is Co-created in Use, Our Decisions Need to be Co-created

When we approach sales we typically think of how we will address the customer’s problem. What needs we need to address and how we will do this in an engaging way? We are in The Experience Economy says authors Pine and Gilmore. Though many of us dwell on the Experience Economy, I think we are Read More …

Cap-Do Audio Excerpt of Book

When we use our typical sales and marketing approach, we form an idea of the way things should be, forming maps or journeys that we want our customer to adhere to. As they get further along, we have so much invested that our manipulations get stronger. When they push back, we push back. When we Read More …