Should you Gamify your Simulations?

I have read several books on #Gamification and found them either touting the use of rewards and badges or the technical aspect of design. I never did find that middle ground until I read, The Gamification of Learning and Instruction by Dr. Karl Kapp. The book started with the basics (it’s not about rewards, games Read More …

A Lean Service Design Approach to Gaming your Training

#Gamification continues to be a hot subject. Gartner Group predicts Gamification will be a key trend that every CIO, IT planner and Enterprise Architect must be aware of as it relates to business. I think it goes deeper than that. A primer on Gaming with a Mindmap can be found at the Core Concepts of Read More …

Kids like Fun and Social Activities, do you?

If games are so engaging, why can’t work be that way? Great examples of how this is happening in Gabe Zichermann, CEO of and Dopamine, keynote at TNW2012 conference this year. Gabe is an author, highly rated public speaker and entrepreneur whose book, Gamification by Design: Implementing Game Mechanics in Web and Mobile Apps Read More …

Does the Customer Experience mimic the Employee Experience?

After reading The Zappos Experience: 5 Principles to Inspire, Engage, and WOW it really got my mind spinning. So much has been written and said about Zappos that I can’t say the book surprised me but it did allow me to gain a deeper understanding of the internal workings. More so, the book really generated Read More …

Fantastic Conversation on the Multiverse

Every marketer and gamer should watch this! Joe Pine seeks to do nothing less than redefine our known universe — a bold goal which manifested itself in The Multiverse, a 3D framework he created. By examining the fields created at the intersection of three axes (space/no space, time/no time, and matter/no matter), Joe introduces us Read More …