Sales Collaboration Using E – E – E

I like to use the term EDCA (Explore-Do-Check-Act) learned from Graham Hill to designate the Explore aspect of Lean. I view it as more of Design Type thinking content that allows for that collaborative learning cycles with a customer. Most of us design sales and marketing actions around how we think, not how the customer Read More …

How To Lose A Customer

Just a quick outline on a few things that I see or hear way to often. I am sure there are many more but one thing I do know, very few companies document the early signs of losing a customer. Do you? Lean Sales and Marketing: Learn about using CAP-Do Lean Engagement Team (More Info)

Using Job Methods to Sell Your Ideas

Most of us familiar with Training Within Industry know that the majority of the training in TWI has been in the area of Job Instruction. When we think about Sales, we immediately think about Job Relations. I think TWI offers a greater opportunity. We spend most of our time training sales and support people to Read More …

5 Core Sales Concepts of Lean Thinking

When introducing Lean Thinking many of us would start with the five core concepts of Lean depicted in the classic books, The Machine that Changed the World and Lean Thinking by Womack and Jones. The basic thought process goes something like this: As value is specified, value streams are identified, wasted steps are removed, and Read More …

Team Engagement in a Complex World

I just recently read the book Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World by General Stanley McChrystal that described the transition of the command and control style of management to the more adaptive approach that I have found successful in working with teams. Though I read the Kindle version,  the book Read More …

The Sales Role in a Lean Enterprise

The Role of Sales and Marketing is changing in every organization. The success of Lean on the operational side has influenced management to seek the same culture across the entire organization to include sales and marketing. They aspire for a true Lean Enterprise. How, do you achieve this? Do the principles of continuous improvement and Read More …