The Marketing HourGlass

This is a simplified version of how a hourglass would look. As you can see the natural progression of the flow (know, like, trust… flow to the right), the enablers or information to move the process forward is provided above each step. Taking a group of current customers, you can identify this in your current Read More …

5 Step Process to Lean Marketing

Lean Marketing is a strategic methodology to streamline and automate the marketing processes in order to improve efficiencies through waste elimination. True lean companies strive to eliminate, not minimize all waste in the process. Most think of this as only a manufacturing or administrative function. This rule can apply when implementing lean marketing as well. Read More …

I believe in a Marketing System

When people start talking to me I normally can tell if we are a good match very quickly, I simply state; “I believe in installing a marketing system .” Depending on the answer, I know right where to slot them in my marketing funnel. Convincing someone in a short amount of time that a system Read More …

In a recession, it is easy to forget your customer!

It is quite frequent that in a recession, you become under-staffed. Especially when people start doing jobs they are not accustomed too. The important thing you must remember, busy or not don’t forget your customer. In a down economy having a well thought out DMP can be very cost effective. Example: If you have extra Read More …

Getting your Drip Marketing to flow the other direction!

In most Drip Marketing, you send information based on the customers response to a particular action of yours. But as many of you know, I love to look at the SCAMPER(See Below) approach to many things and it is a perfect companion to a Drip Marketing Program(DMP). But what I wanted to concentrate on today Read More …

A Customer Centric Marketing Budget!

How do you decide on your marketing budget? 1. Set preliminary budget based on tasks decided upon. 2. Estimate competitors’ budget and adjust accordingly. 3. Prepare budget document with rationale of expenses. 4. Use percentage of Sales The most common method is using percentage of sales. However, what happens if sales go down? The problem Read More …