Get Clients Now Answer Center: May 2009

Great Resource, Take a look… Get Clients Now Answer Center New in the Answer Center Belief Management: The Missing Ingredient – Article by Joan Friedlander “Joan, I’m working so hard and I’m not getting anything done!” I have heard some version of this frustrated cry from many an entrepreneur. It’s a common complaint voiced by Read More …

Six Tips for Remote Presenting – Nancy Duarte

What’s worse than sitting through a really bad presentation? Sitting through a bad one delivered remotely! As travel budgets tighten, remote presentations have had a severe up-tick (which has also been known to cause facial ticks). Now you can discretely send your co-workers this link so they create content that holds your interest, removes distractions, Read More …

Obvious Adams – Mindmap

I am listening to Jack Trout’s new book “In Search of the Obvious” and he starts the book out with describing one of my all time favorites, Obvious Adams. What is so special about it? Take a look at this Mindmap that I created many years ago. What better marketing advice can you get than Read More …

All Core Messages are not Created Equal.

I wrote a post recently that All Sales Channels are not Created Equal and talked about the resources that you would have to commit to each one. But today I had an appointment with a new client and was discussing their Core Message and went through an exercise that I thought might prove useful. More Read More …

Can I beat Amazon on Google?

Ok, this is a relatively unimportant blog post but you have to have some fun sometime. One of my goals occasionally is to find out where I can get to on Google Search. Well, the last few weeks I have been trying to beat Amazon on two Google search terms: One Page Business Plan and Read More …

What is social media?

I had two Social Media experts on my Connecting Your Passion TV show this week, Scott Howard from the ScLoHo Collective Wisdom blog and Shirona A. Gunawardhana of Logpipe and this is what they had to say.. Technorati Tags: Blog ,Blogging ,Google ,Indiana Social Media ,Social Media ,Web 2.0