Do We Know How to Learn from Customers?

Any reader of the Business901 blog or twitter followers for any length of time has heard words echoing in this space such as… “The only competitive advantage you have is the rate at which you learn from your customers.” “Positioning your organization in your customer’s playground is the most important role marketing has.” Along with Read More …

How to Gauge what Information needs to be Collected

Before you start collecting data, do you ever ask what you are going to use it for? The basic chart that I use and modify according to the circumstances is the monitoring plan from the Outcome Mapping: Building Learning and Reflection into Development Programs book. We have been discussing the overload of information and data Read More …

Sales will rescue the Influence Marketers

In the Sales and Marketing world, we are judged by few other things more than our ability to influence others. We not only have to influence customers, often we have to influence our organizations to respond to the needs of those darn customers. There are more books written about influencing than anything else in sales. Read More …

Mapping your Bounded Rationality

This Introduction to Concept Mapping by Robbert Hubbard gives clear-cut instructions to getting started. You may want to follow along with making notes in a mapping practice. Bounded Rationality? Rick explains that in the video. A great learning tutorial is available at The book that covers this mapping process in great detail: Applied Concept Read More …