Should there be a hole in your sales Funnel

We marketers spend our time discussing target market, ideal client, core message but do we really listen to it! Do we take our own advice? That is the question I see many prospects questioning. We preach(ok, speak), give webinars, and even write books on the subjects. But do we ever not friend someone or hesitate Read More …

Sales Calls, sounds like an opportunity

A classic study of sales calls made by Dartnell and McGraw Hill produced the following fascinating statistics: 1.  80% of all sales are made only after 5 or more contacts 2.  48% of all salespeople give up after the first contact 3.  25% give up after the 2nd contact 4.  17% give up after the Read More …

Streamline your marketing/sales department in one week.

Is your marketing/sales department operating at peak efficiency? Probably not. Most managers aren’t willing to make the tough decisions necessary to streamline their organizations. if you want to increase productivity, follow this one-week plan, put together by marketing consultant Al Ries; Monday: Make a list of all your current marketing projects, and arrange the list Read More …

In a Recession do we need a little more Zig than Seth?

John Jantsch author of Duct Tape Marketing just blogged about 7 Time-tested Ways to Dig Out from a Recession. These are the 7 points and all of them are well explained if you click through. This content from: Duct Tape Marketing 7 Time-tested Ways to Dig Out from a Recession Take these seven tips and Read More …

How to Present Like Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is a masterful presenter, but he wasn’t always. Presenting is learned, just like typing or any other business skill. What makes Jobs so good? Communications expert Carmine Gallo has a few ideas. In a recent Webinar sponsored by Citrix Online, Gallo shared 10 presentation tips he learned from observing Jobs. Make a plan Read More …