John Jantsch is right on target with the Changing Face of SEO

This is what I have been talking about for so many months and John says it so eloquently: Read this post at least twice. This content from: Duct Tape Marketing encourage you to read the entire post and the comments. Search engine optimization has changed dramatically over the past few years. The shift is from Read More …

Sent from Google Voice

Are you using this service, why not? You get your own number. Long distance can be free. Sends an e-mail that you have voice mail. Transcribes the message? Huh! Yes, transcribes it! And you can forward it with or without the transcription: Hey! I got this on my Google Voice account and thought you’d want Read More …

How I would Market your Company? – Step 9 of 10

You want me to start marketing your company today. Here is what I would do: 9.  Make a significant web presence through social media and communication channels with stakeholders. Create local presence, online and off-line. A significant Web Presence: I think this is an important overall strategy for anyone right now from getting employed to Read More …

Using LinkedIn

I had two Social Media experts on my Connecting Your Passion TV show this week, Scott Howard from the ScLoHo Collective Wisdom blog and Shirona A. Gunawardhana of Logpipe  and this is what they had to say.. Technorati Tags: Blog,Blogging,Google,Indiana Social Media,Social Media,Web 2.0