Customer Flow: Not Linear or Controllable

Mark Tamis @ recently presented at the Selfservice Company UG and below is a copy of his slidedeck via slideshare. A blog post of Mark’s, Go With The Customer Flow is an insightful read. Read the entire thread to include the comments And…watch the video at the end of the blog post- exhilarating for a Monday morning!

What did Mark capture in this presentation? I believe that Mark actually depicts the Social Media Landscape accurately. Mark says, ”99% of interaction take place outside of Social Media!.” Many Social Media pundits will emphasize its importance and  expand to be the focal point for delivering your message. The importance of Social Media has not been about delivering messages but how your “organization’s persona (brand)” has shifted to the hands of the public. This perspective is driving organizations to better understand customers through out the entire customer journey. An end to end value stream, where the focal point is the customer rather than internal operations that ends with a transaction.

Organizations can no longer feed products to customers, as I described in the blog post, Kill the Sales and Marketing Funnel. Customers have the ability to access resources and information comparable to their suppliers and choose suppliers by their own definition of value and how that value should be created. The new wave of marketing has seen an entire new set of tools being used. No longer do we trust print media, radio, television and other forms of traditional media. The tools have all become a commodity. To make effective marketing decisions, you need a clear understanding of what the customer values and what your company strategy is to support them.

Related Information:
It’s not your Grandmother’s Lean anymore!
Does Lean Marketing deliver what the customer wants?
When Efficiencies and Innovation no longer work, is Customer Centricity the answer?
Why bother with Value Networks?

2 thoughts on “Customer Flow: Not Linear or Controllable”

  1. Hi,

    Thank you for featuring me. I particularly like your comment “The tools have all become a commodity”, and I agree. Social Media tools are ‘hired’ by customers to inform themselves, and to exchange and share with others – just as other tools and channels based only the context at that point in time.

    What I’m wondering at the moment is whether personas are the best way to do the customer journey mapping part, as I think it might be more interesting to to segmentation based on tool usage and, by using analytics, see what pattterns come out. This however could imply that we need to better capture what is happening within these other channels.

    Have you any thoughts on this?


  2.  Thanks for the comment.  Everyone has their own method of engagement and we struggle managing them all. By tool usage may be an interesting way to segment. I wonder if we do not do that already by the way we gather information and as a result create more work by trying to segment what is already segmented by the tools.

    Interesting proposition, is this along the same line as your thoughts?

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