Enabling Customers To Find The Way

Re-reading One Little Spark!: Mickey’s Ten Commandments and The Road to Imagineering this weekend,  one commandment of Marty Sklar’s resonates with me being a person of Lean Discipline, more than others is Commandment #3: Organize the Flow of People and Ideas. First, giving you a quick overview of the book will help you understand the Read More …

Lean Marketing Lab Re-Launch

At the Lean Marketing Lab, we are busily preparing for an October Launch. The videos, presentations, and other links are being tested and organized. We would enjoy getting user feedback and what we might call the Beta month of September is upon us. You can subscribe now for the next year for under $50. The 12-month content Read More …

Scrivener: My Client Project Stories

Marketing Project Management Scrivener is a very useful tool for writers. It can be purchased for $40 and has a great little sidekick in Scrapple ( mind mapping software). It is offered at LiteratureandLatte.com (affiliate link). If you click on the link the landing page gives a great description with multiple screenshots of the product Read More …

Achieving Breakthrough Success

Since the age of 12, Dr. O’Grady has been interested in entrepreneurial activities. Besides hard work, he credits his success to constant independent learning and states that he learns from each person he meets. His new book, The Mechanics for Breakthrough Success: The Guide to a Life You Never Considered Reachable is a compilation of what has Read More …

The Best Sales Question is not Why, it is What

The premise of the book by Michael Bungay Stanier’s titled The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever. is to teach managers how to make coaching part of their everyday job.  In  it, they drill down on 7 essential questions and as the authors say, “ to demonstrate how—by saying less Read More …

What is a DevOps Mindset?

Shirly Ronen-Harel provides Agile and lean solutions using methods like Scrum, Kanban, Agile Testing, Agile product, DevOps , agile project management and such.  In the companies she works with, Shirly is an integral part of elevating organization productivity and their results through optimizing working processes, team resources allocation, and providing insights for fast moving suitable organization Read More …