Defining the Nature of Value in Data

Dr. Eric Reidenbach: No, I think you’re accurate. I think that there is a ton of data, and that’s why you need some overriding metric, if you will, or overriding paradigm such as a value paradigm which governs and directs you as to how you convert data into information. The big breakthrough that Gale has Read More …

Choosing Product Markets

Dr. Eric Reidenbach:  Exactly so. Let me back up just a little second on that too because you’ve raised an interesting point. In choosing those product markets, what you’ll probably want to do is to apply certain criteria, such as what is your current market share within that particular product market. What is the market Read More …

Team Engagement in a Complex World

I just recently read the book Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World by General Stanley McChrystal that described the transition of the command and control style of management to the more adaptive approach that I have found successful in working with teams. Though I read the Kindle version,  the book Read More …

Drucker aligned w Lean & Lean Startup

I was also surprised that I saw Lean and Lean Startup principles within the Drucker framework. Not that he wasn’t about continuous improvement, but how does those thoughts parallel with Drucker? – Joe Dager The Podcast and Transcription is available at: The Drucker Institute Peter Gandolfo:  I think the concepts are very complementary. To give Read More …

Are You Minimally Viable Agile?

I have to ask you about a topic you’ve been working on. It’s an MVP type thing, but it’s called a Minimally Viable Agile. I guess that would be MVA. What is that about? This is an excerpt from Next Weeks Podcast Troy Tuttle: I’m working on this to do some talks on MVA, Minimally Read More …

Improve User Experience w Lean

Jeff Gothelf is a designer, an Agile practitioner with a specific expertise in User Experience culminating in his book Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience. His daytime job is currently as Managing Director in Neo’s New York City office. Previously, Jeff has led teams at TheLadders, Publicis Modem, WebTrends, Fidelity, & AOL. Read More …