How to Think Simple

Is there a way that I can get started and gear myself towards thinking that way and trying to simplify things? – jd Don Sull: Absolutely, I mean my advice would be to try it. I’ll just give you a concrete example. I’ve used simple rules many times in my life but I’ll give you Read More …

Are You Qualified to Drive the Boat?

Randy Nelson, author of The Second Decision, is a speaker, a coach, a Qualified Entrepreneur, and a former nuclear submarine officer in the U.S. Navy. He co-founded and later sold two market-leading, multimillion dollar companies–Orion International and NSTAR Global Services. Randy now runs Gold Dolphins LLC, a coaching and mentoring firm to help entrepreneurial leaders Read More …

How do you Introduce Job Instructions?

 I want to jump back to TWI and dig a little deeper. You had mentioned to me that Job Relations is really two programs instead of just one. What are they and how is Job Relations introduced in your thinking? – jd Mark Warren:      If you take the original Job Relations pocket card and they Read More …

Losing 1M a Day, Improve Your Process

Joe: I don’t think a lot of people realize the trouble that Caterpillar was in the early 1980s. I would think that time period is correct. They were losing a million dollars a day or something? Craig Bouchard: A million dollars a day for three years and in that third year which was 1984 where Read More …

Are Lean and Agile Equal Partners?

An industry thought leader in Lean, Kanban, Product Portfolio Management, Scrum and Agile Design, Alan Salloway helps companies transition to Lean and Agile methods enterprise-wide as well teaches courses in these areas. He is the founder and CEO of Net Objectives In a past podcast (Related Podcast and Transcription: Shalloway on Agile), I asked Alan Read More …

Are You Fit to Be an Entrepreneur?

Randy Nelson is a speaker, a coach, a Qualified Entrepreneur, and a former nuclear submarine officer in the U.S. Navy. He co-founded and later sold two market-leading, multimillion dollar companies–Orion International and NSTAR Global Services. Randy now runs Gold Dolphins LLC, a coaching and mentoring firm to help entrepreneurial leaders and CEOs become Qualified Entrepreneurs Read More …