Leadership with No Leader

I asked Dr. Reldan”Relly” Nadler, a leading psychologist and Executive Coach a question about teamwork and when there is not a clear cut leader within the team. Dr. Relly, focuses on developing and providing cutting edge Emotional Intelligence tools, and strategies for CEO’s, Executives, leaders, managers and their organizations and teams.  His book, Leading with Emotional Read More …

How A Person Communicates?

Judith Pauley: When we want people to hear what we have to say it certainly helps to speak to them in the way they prefer to be spoken to, and that’s the bottom line. Knowing what each personality type is, knowing what the personality type of the person you’re communicating with is, and using their favorite Read More …

The Art of Recognizing an Invitation

Sarah Lewis’s passion is working with organizations to achieve transformational change using participative, collaborative methods such as Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space, World Café and SimuReal. Sarah and her organization, Appreciating Change aim is to achieve whole system change, with positive and creative solutions working through psychological processes such as emotional engagement, the creative imagination, core Read More …

Kata – Picking the Obstacle to Overcome

This particular video, Picking the Obstacle to Overcome was one of my favorite passages during this series. The 7-part video series with Brandon Brown on the Toyota Kata touched upon some of the finer points of the Toyota Kata versus staying at the 20,ooo foot level. Toyota Kata is documented in Mike Rother’s book Toyota Read More …

Sales Relations Card

Do you carry a card around with you as a reminder? For many years, like 20 or so, I carried around a card clipped out of the book “Yes” or “No”: The Guide to Better Decisions  by Spencer Johnson. for those that do not recognize the name he co-authored The One Minute Manager with Ken Read More …

Startup Training at Purdue

Juliana Casavan is a Training Manager at Purdue Foundry where she creates and facilitates workshops that concentrate on the first step of looking at a business and helping them identify their value proposition. Purdue Foundry is a hub to transform innovators into entrepreneurs. It is a place that Purdue faculty, staff and students find fast, effective ways Read More …