Transforming Lean thru Middle Managers

My guest on the Business901 podcast this week was Paul Yandell of Value Stream Focus and we discussed one of my favorite topics – Middle Management.  Paul Yandell, led a lean transformation that won the 2007 Pacific Northwest Silver Medallion Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing.  Business Week called the Shingo Prize the “Nobel Prize Read More …

Find the Right Customer at the Right time

How do you generate a bunch of prospects that have low risk with a high earning potential. This is what most companies seek and should streamline their organizations to take advantage of these types of orders. It is not about disregarding anyone product/market group even a high risk and a low potential. It is about Read More …

Is your Organizational Culture limiting you?

Recently, I have been challenging the  traditional hierarchy of organizations. I have found it limiting when trying to develop new collaborative structures internally and externally. I discussed this in a recent blog post, The Uniqueness of Hoshin Kanri. Dan Pink provides a nice example on an empirical basis. (Video is an excerpt from Daniel Pink’s Read More …

Masters of Design Thinking Presentation

I am a big fan of the two people that put this presentation together. One being former podcast guest, Arne van Oosterom, Partner at DesignThinkers in Amsterdam  and the other, Graham Hill who can be found on his Customer Think blog. They provide an insightful journey through a few of the latest thoughts in Service Read More …

Can Lean be driven by Middle Management?

Paul Yandell:  I speak to middle managers, I was a resident with them. I think most of us have been middle managers and understand those frustrations. I hit on a theme of a guerrilla manager, years and years ago, and I’ve actually given a similar talk to a number of national and local forums. It Read More …

Lean and ROWE, Friend or Foe

David Kasprzak, of the popular blog, My Flexible Pencil was interviewed in the Business901 podcast, Does Lean solve some problems for ROWE?. This is a transcription of the podcast. ROWE stands for  Results-Only Work Environment. It is a revolutionary new way of working that gives employees more responsibility and accountability for their work and the Read More …