Unlocking The Potential Of Sales Training

Gone are the days when sales training was treated as a one-off event. Today, sales training is critical to success in the modern workplace and should be seen as a continuous learning and development process. With the right tools, companies can leverage sales training to drive tangible results and become more competitive. In this article, Read More …

The Role Of Modern Product Management

Product management plays a critical role in the success of any organization’s products or services. Product managers combine design, engineering, marketing, and data analysis skills to develop products that add value to a company’s brand, meet customer needs and expectations, and differentiate the organization in the market. In the modern age, product managers must stay Read More …

Are We to Outcome-Based in Our Thinking?

How much does luck play into it? Your thoughts on LinkedIn:  http://bit.ly/2w63oxK One of the things that I think Kata-type thinking promotes is the ability to make small bets (PDCA) along the journey towards the target condition. I use this in my sales and marketing approach as I believe marketing is little more than an Read More …

Creating Organizational Frameworks

John Latham creates flexible frameworks that facilitate the process of reimagining, redesigning, and transforming organizations. Some of the frameworks such as the Design Framework for Organization Architects™ emerged from practice and later tested and refined. Others emerged from research and further developed in practice such as the CEO research that led to the Leadership Framework for Organization Architects™. These two award-winning, Read More …