How I would Market your Company? – Step 7 of 10

You want me to start marketing your company today. Here is what I would do: 7.  Creating a content marketing strategy based on your customers buying process and need. I believe content marketing is what really works these days and without it it is very hard to differentiate yourself. A quick outline of a great Read More …

Unleashing The Potential Of The Limits To Success Archetype

Viral marketing stands out as the master art of infectious communication. It’s not just about creating a buzz; it’s about unleashing a message that proliferates through the digital ecosystem with the ferocity of a benign virus, hopping from one user to another, sometimes with the speed and unpredictability of wildfire. This phenomenon has become an Read More …

Utilization of Your Brand Story in the Marketplace

A compelling brand story can be the sword that battles obscurity in a marketplace with fierce competitors. It goes beyond memorized pitches and glossy advertising to the heart of what your business represents. Explore why your brand story holds so much sway in the marketplace and the essential elements that craft a compelling narrative. Why Read More …

The Different Levels of Perspective in Sales Engagements

Using The Systematic Process of The Different Levels of Perspective in Sales Engagements All five levels are even important to address in most selling situations. Of course, sales live in an event—orientated world, and most of our efforts will be directed in that area. The highest leverage action we can take is determined by the Read More …