Sales – Are Stretch Goals about Outcomes or Refining Processes and Creating Better Strategies?

Sales involve understanding how your products/services affect customer outcomes while building a sales strategy to establish how this value is recognized. This requires understanding customer needs and how your product or service can address those needs. It also means clearly understanding your “value proposition” – what makes your product or service unique and valuable to Read More …

Ways To Manage Customer Value

It’s no secret that customers are the lifeblood of any business. Without customers, businesses would soon cease to exist. This is why it’s so important to manage customer value effectively. Each of these methods can help you stay engaged with your customers and learn about their needs and desires. By keeping in touch, you can Read More …

Product Development: Developing Strategies Based on Assumptions

To truly understand the customer experience, brands must consider their product development strategies. These strategies dictate how products will be designed, developed, and marketed to shape their value proposition. The key to understanding your customers’ markets is having access to reliable market data. Fortunately, there are a number of sources of market data, including surveys, Read More …

What Do You Know About Your Customers’ Markets?

It might seem like a rhetorical question, but how much do you know about the markets your customers serve? What are the latest trends in those markets? What hidden value patterns can you uncover by categorizing data from those markets? Understanding your customers’ markets is essential for trend development and uncovering hidden value patterns. By Read More …

Analyzing and Presenting Data In Business Research

Business research is more important than ever for business leaders, who must stay ahead of their competition and market trends. Today’s consumers are becoming more comfortable with technology and how they interact with brands. They expect businesses to use this technology to provide seamless experiences and relevant information at the touch of a button. Business Read More …

Ideas Around Using Microlearning and Spaced Repetition

Microlearning is a teaching and learning strategy that delivers content in short, manageable chunks. It is usually delivered via digital channels such as mobile devices, websites, and apps. Microlearning is an effective way to provide just-in-time training and support employees in their day-to-day work. It can also provide learners with quick and easy access to Read More …