Culture is Something You Do

Where does great culture come from? How do you build and sustain it in your group, or strengthen a culture that needs fixing? Culture is not something you are—it’s something you do. The Culture Code puts the power in your hands. No matter the size of your group or your goal, this book can teach you the principles Read More …

Turning Reflection into Action

Turning Reflection into Action using the Lean Process of CAP-Do The Lean Process of CAP-Do is how I initiate most projects. It creates a path towards capturing standard work, deciding what we what improve on, what we want to explore and not to be forgotten what we want to stop doing. This outline provides an Read More …

Always at the Forefront of Your Marketing: Branding

The first edition of the toolkit was made possible by 271 backers on Kickstarter in 2015 and from crowdfunded, self-publishing success to book stores across the world: Brand the Change is now published by BIS publishers. With over twelve years of experience as a brand developer, Anne Miltenburg has worked with organizations and people as diverse as Read More …

Is Research the Best Way to Create Opportunity?

In recent years innovation has led the way. There have been great strides made in how to bring products to market and in innovation itself. However, even with these great strides, there has not been a significant improvement in success rates, at least from what I have seen published. In my experience working with startups and even Read More …