Creating Never Ending Opportunity

When we start with our customers and their stories things begin to change. We create better relationships and a higher level of learning opportunities. Thus, we can communicate more effectively across with our customers and their markets, develop more business development opportunities and connect with influencers. You must be willing to dig deep to understand customers. It becomes Read More …

Annie Duke on Thinking in Bets

Drawing on the unique combination of training as a behavioral scientist and 20 years as a professional poker player, Annie Duke offers frank assessments of the challenges presented by decision strategy and practical ways of confronting those challenges. Annie’s new book, Thinking in Bets, published on February 6th. This is one of a handful of books that Read More …

Freelancing in The Gig Economy

Marion McGovern was the founder and CEO of M Squared Consulting, one of the first gig- economy talent intermediaries before the term was even coined. She also founded Collabrus, a company focused on independent contractor compliance. She now sits on several private company and nonprofit boards and actively mentors entrepreneurs in the human capital space. Read More …

Traversing the Funnel of Opportunity

When traversing through the Funnel of Opportunity (The picture on the left, download PDF of the diagram: I use the outline below to help people describe their process when moving through the FoO: Empower-Engage-Explore.  Handoffs are so important in customer-facing positions that I find it an integral part of any business development areas. It slows Read More …

Should We be Paying Learning Commissions?

In recent times, you have seen more of my thinking moving from outcome-based to more process driven metrics. For the simple reason that it creates real-time measurements. We can no longer wait until the end to make adjustments. There is probably no area that is being impacted more significantly than the traditional sales and affiliate Read More …

The Continuous Cycle of Deciding and Learning with Annie Duke

Annie Duke brings her background in cognitive science and poker together to understand how we make decisions. In the workplace, success depends on how we make those choices through decision strategy. Everyone, from the newest employees to the principals, is part of the continuous cycle of deciding and learning. These same strategies determine the quality of Read More …