Introducing a Little Sales Kata

This is just a quick outline on part of a webinar I did for Lean Frontiers today. They will be uploading the webinar on their website. I made a quick introduction to what we may call Sales Kata that was derived from this previous post, Using the Coaching Kata in Sales.  This is based on Read More …

What Sales Teaches the Lean Enterprise

You can register for one or all Lean Frontier Webinars through this link. SALES & MARKETING: What Sales Teaches the Lean Enterprise Facilitated by Joe Dager, Author and President Business901 Tue, Mar 17, 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM EDT

Lean Frontier Webinars include What Sales Teaches the Lean Enterprise

Lean Frontiers offers FREE quarterly webinars aimed at enterprise-wide engagement. Leadership, Accounting, Sales, HR, Logistics, IT, R&D. Imagine if each of these business functions worked in unison in supporting lean as a business model. This March they are running a series of 30-minute webinars to include: You can register for one or all Lean Frontier Read More …

Can Arguments Help in Collaboration?

Joe:   Can argument mapping help in collaboration? Timo:   Yes, a lot of us are working — as teacher’s we are working with groups of students, and they built together some argument around an issue. Argument mapping does when you present it with a beamer on a screen or something like that, it makes it possible Read More …

Using the Coaching Kata in Sales?

We over complicate most things, and when I think about Sales and Marketing, they certainly have their share of complications. I was reminded of how tough we seem to make things while reviewing Mike Rother’s Toyota Kata Website. It really can be rather simple. Kata seems to be the hot topic in Lean right now, Read More …

Business901 was interviewed on ZipLine

A few years ago, I was interviewed on ZipLine by Tony Scelzo and had forgotten all about it. In fact, Tony now does his interviewing over on The Line I never actually saw the interview till a couple of days ago and thought I would share it. Lean Sales and Marketing: Learn about using CAP-Do Read More …