The Sales Story Funnel

A common sales exercise is to have a new salesperson state in a paragraph what they do for the company. They are then asked to state it in a sentence or two, after that one word. Organizations will often do the same thing in a mission exercise. It provides clarity to the mission. It is Read More …

The Challenger & Customer Experience

Matt Dixon, an executive director of strategic research at CEB, has an unrelenting drive to find the answers to questions senior executives often take for granted. Matt’s latest books are The Effortless Experience: Conquering the New Battleground for Customer Loyalty and The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation. Related Transcription and Podcasts: Dixon Read More …

Do You Give the Customer the Proper Insight?

How many times have you walked away from a sales presentation wondering why the customer just did not get it? Why can’t they see the advantage in our product or service? What prevented them? We often here words mumbled like budget constraints or future considerations. We might hear that they have decided to focus energies Read More …

Are you Recognizing the Patterns around You

A serial entrepreneur having founded multiple start-up companies, including one of the first profitable Internet enterprises. His last company appeared on the Inc. 5000 list three years in a row. Eric V. Holtzclaw, Founder/CEO of Laddering Works, advises clients on the “whys” of business: Why customers buy, Why teams work and The all-important “entrepreneurial why”. Read More …

Should we be using Job Stories?

I have not gone all in on Customer Journey Mapping and Customer/User/Buyer Personas because the vast majority are created without the Customer/User involvement. Though they may be the “best” we can do, I feel we often stereotype our customer/users into what we want them to be versus who they are. In lieu of this, I Read More …

Challenging The Challenger Sale

What sets apart the The Challenger Sales Reps? Who so happen to be the most successful sales reps. In the book, The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation author Matt Dixon points out six attributes that showed them statistically significant in defining someone as a Challenger rep: Offers the customer unique perspectives Has Read More …