A Lean Way of Connecting Supply and Demand

In two recent blog posts, CAP-Do supports Outcome Driven Innovation and Lean Sales Process does not Start at Plan or Build, I discussed how companies that apply Lean to Sales and Marketing think incorrectly in terms of PDCA versus CAP-Do. In summary, we need to change to an outcome based approach and for a Lean Read More …

Where Strategy and Customer Service Meet, Part 1 of 2

What we find is there are a lot of buzz words Big Data, Net Promoter Score, Chief Customer Officer or Voice of Customer. A lot of those are used as simplistic code words when in fact the entire process is much, much more complicated than that. For instance, in most organizations Voice of Customer is Read More …

How to Change the Size of your Brain

Neuroscientist Sara Lazar’s amazing brain scans show how meditation can actually change the size of key regions of our brain, improving our memory and making us more empathetic, compassionate, and resilient under stress. The evidence on the benefits of meditation is overwhelming. If you do a search on Ted.com alone for the videos on meditation Read More …

Lean Sales Process does not start at Plan or Build

Lean’s culture ties to PDCA or PDSA is exactly what limits Lean’s success in sales and marketing. I may even go out on a limb and say it will limit the success of the The Lean Startup’s Build-Measure-Learn methodology being applied effectively to sales and marketing. The reason is that these theories are based on Read More …

Improve Sales try a Simplicity Persona

Recently I wrote a blog post, Value Stream Mapping should be left on the Shop Floor that some people took as a reflection on Value Stream Mapping versus my real intentions focused on the efforts of many consultants trying to force fit Lean into sales and marketing. I have certainly been guilty of that at Read More …

Adding Context to the Buyer Persona

So much has been written about Buyer Personas, Empathy Maps, etc., I have resisted sharing how I create mine. I am not sure that I can add anything new, but a slightly different perspective may be worth something. I have found most Personas as an exercise that is seldom done in the sales and marketing Read More …