Strategy of the Fighter Pilot Revisited

The recent resurgence or maybe recognition of the use of the The OODA Loop has resurfaced recently as a basis for much of the current ideas surrounding Iterations, Rapid Development Cycles and Decision Making. What makes the OODA Loop such a popular subject? When we first think of the OODA Loop we think of fast Read More …

Rodney Dangerfield’s interpretation of the Lean Startup!

I happened upon this video the other day and could not help but think about the popular Lean Startup and Eric Ries. Eric is ever mindful of getting your product/service into the real world as quickly as possible. He laughs at the notion of creating this full fledge business model and structure that are institutions Read More …

Uncertainty in the Lean Startup

Good video with Eric Ries talking about startups of course but with a slightly different slant, “Stop Wasting Peoples Time.” He takes the Lean Startup to a different level talking a little more about entrepreneurship management. He claims that it needs to change because of the level of uncertainly that exist. He goes on to Read More …

Define your Business by Value Stream not Product

How do you identify your prospects? Many organization have a tendency to provide the solution without really spending time identifying the specific market that their solution fits. That is one of the ideas that have made Eric Reis’s Lean Startup movement so strong. He calls it the Pivot. Which in very basic terms: Creating a Read More …

Stanford Entrepreneurship Center: Evangelizing for the Lean Startup

Eric Ries of the Startup Lessons Learned Blog gives a great performance on this audio podcast. It looked like a VIDEO BUT HE NEVERS MOVE,   Related Posts: If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts! Key Marketing Concepts from the Korean War Using Agile Marketing in real life Boyd’s Law of Iteration: Read More …

Developing a Minimum Viable Product

From Wikpedia: In product development, the Minimum Viable Product or MVP is a strategy used for fast and quantitative market testing of a product or product feature, popularized by Eric Ries for web applications. A Minimum Viable Product has just those features (and no more) that allows the product to be deployed. The product is Read More …