How I would Market your Company? – Step 1 of 10

You want me to start marketing your company today. Here is what I would do: Get all of the material you have and a list of all your listings and advertising you are running. When I do this step, I am usually handed a tri-fold brochure, tons of product material, post cards, 4-color advertisements and Read More …

Should marketing care about cash flow?

Your marketing team needs to look at things differently to help you succeed in a tough market. Think of ways that you can make your customers feel more like part of a team that is helping each other get through these times. If you do that, your bill may not end up on the bottom Read More …

Your Marketing bullets, are they sticking

I see people fire one (marketing message)bullet after bullet and wondering why they are not sticking. They just keep bouncing off people. Take a look at this video. Can you emphasize with the bullets? Now, think about what the bullets cost you and what happens to them after the bounce. Do they stick anywhere? Your Read More …

Mirror your Customer’s Decision Tree

This is a decision tree that I acquired from the Free Management Library many years ago. I recommend them as a very viable source of information. But to continue on with my series of blog post, on Mirror Marketing, the first requirement we had was to formulate the decision process of the customer. Many will Read More …