Left Brain vs Right Brain = Management vs. Marketing

I was reading the book, War in the Boardroom: Why Left-Brain Management and Right-Brain Marketing Don’t See Eye-to-Eye–and What to Do About It, looking for a few ideas on how to approach Lean concepts to marketing and more specifically CMOs. Of course, we all know trying to apply a discipline to a bunch of right Read More …

Ask not what sales can do for you..

In what ways can Sales and Marketing impede lean thinking? I saw that question on LinkedIn and just had to join the conversation. My thoughts: 1st Answer: We should applaud Sales and Marketing in most organizations for the fact that they remained a silo. Most organizations create internal control points within the organization and call Read More …

Marketing with PDCA Coming Soon!

Marketing with PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) is about using the PDCA process through-out the marketing cycle with constant feedback from customers that can only occur if they are part of the process. It is about creating value in your marketing that a customer needs to enable him to make a better decision. Targeting what your Customer Values Read More …

Is the war room Still Useful?

The war room has been around forever and of course the original use was by generals. This enabled them to visualize the field of battle The most famous, War Room was made into a 1993 American documentary film made in 1993 about Bill Clinton’s campaign for President of the United States in1992. Though still popular Read More …

SS Marketing releases Audio Program

This is the audio section of the program I use to provide the basis for Customer Value in my Lean Marketing programs.  The series serves as a template for organizations needing to change from a customer satisfaction focus to a customer value focus. It has been deployed in a number of Fortune 100 and Fortune Read More …

The Linkage of Customer Value

Customer Value seems old hat and so un-marketing like in this day of Social Media, Analytics, Inbound-Outbound, Trending and Buzz. However, the successful companies are not necessarily writing about marketing they are doing it and relying on a simple term, Customer Value. As Christine says, These are not flash-in-the-pan companies. They are the likes of Read More …