Ten Steps in using Outcome-Based Mapping To Evaluate and Monitor Customer Value

1) Define what the customer values in their own words. The customer’s values are what they hold important in their life. This can be different for everyone, but understanding their value will help you better understand the customer and what they are looking for. Take the time to ask them about their values and what Read More …

Are You Collecting Data That You Care About?

If you take the time and think through the process; how would you do with just using an educated guesstimate? Or, at least starting there to zero in on what will actually be needed for your project. Too often, we collect data, one because it might be easy, and two thinking while we are here Read More …

The 5 Cs of Adjacency

The 5 Cs of Adjacency In the Funnel of Opportunity (https://business901.com/building-a-funnel-of-opportunity/) I discuss working from the known to the unknown. After “really” understanding our Core Customers…Clusters…Markets we can then start finding Adjacent Prospects…Clusters…Markets. When looking at Adjacent structures: 1. Connect: What people are the most accessible and similar to the core? 2. Concepts: What key jobs Read More …

Traversing the Funnel of Opportunity

When traversing through the Funnel of Opportunity (The picture on the left, download PDF of the diagram: http://bit.ly/2BX5um4) I use the outline below to help people describe their process when moving through the FoO: Empower-Engage-Explore.  Handoffs are so important in customer-facing positions that I find it an integral part of any business development areas. It slows Read More …

Making Better Strategic Decisions

Most of our decision making and problem-solving uses this 4-step process: Problem – Clarification or defining the problem we are trying to solve Problem – Looking for causation, 5 Whys Solution: Brainstorming different ideas, evaluating and selecting Solution: Implementing, testing and reviewing results A similar type of effort is made in about every decision making effort Read More …

Can Lean Help Predict the Future?

Is your marketing system creating the forward thinking that you need? It is just not using predictive analytics. It is also developing the mind-shift that forecasting, recognizing trends should be a large part of your efforts.  The cliche I have used for years is that the role of marketing is just not getting the message Read More …