When Lean Thinking is not enough!

When are Lean Thinking, A3 Problem Solving, PDCA, Kaizen and Continuous Improvement not enough? There is actually a time when considering small incremental improvements are the wrong thing to do. When you are dealing with a high degree of uncertainty, there still needs to be a process in place. If not, you may end up Read More …

Core Concepts of Gamification

Outstanding presentation from Amy Jo Kim, an adjunct professor of Game Design at USC’s Digital Media school, recently named top US-based game design school. She’s also the author of Community Building on the Web (2000), a design handbook for digital communities that’s used worldwide at game studios & universities.[Email Amy]. This presentation was delivered at Read More …

Every Boardroom discussing Gamification?

Gartner Group predicts Gamification will be a key trend that every CIO, IT planner and enterprise architect must be aware of as it relates to business. Quick Introduction: Gamification is the process of introducing game mechanics into activities to make them more game like. The Game Mechanics are principles, rules, and mechanisms that run a Read More …

Product Managers embrace Open Innovation?

The Perfect Storm has come together of Excess Capacity and Product Variety was a blog post from a while back that quoted Carol Ptak as saying, “A lot of people have focused on the fact that the Economic times right now are really bad. What a lot of people are missing is the fact that Read More …

Accomplished Innovator creates an Open Innovation Incubator

Razi Imam founder of 113 Industries was on the Business901podcast Empower yourself before the Team. We discussed a powerful motivational philosophy highlighted in Razi’s new book Driven: A How-to Strategy for Unlocking Your Greatest Potential. Before the podcast we had discussed his new company,  113 Industries, an industry-driven business incubator focusing on helping breakthrough discoveries Read More …