You do not own your Brand?

I was listening to Groundswell this week and they made an excellent point that I felt should be elaborated on. They simply state that you do not own your brand, your customer does? Not Hershey, Not McDonalds, Not GM, but the customer. I have always been a proponent of telling people the best money they Read More …

8 Reasons Why We’re Not Prepared For The Future

Seldom do I blog someone in their entirety but Mitch Joe at Twisted Image sent this post today that I thought was worth it. Why? I have had trouble communicating with many people in business through the social network. If a message comes from one it is blocked and you must register it to be Read More …

What are ways to utilize the Fort Wayne Chamber?

I joined the Fort Wayne Chamber this week. Brian Hegbli , my ambassador and Shannon and Teresa at the chamber were of great assistance. I’ve been a chamber member before, with several different companies but never as an individual proprietor like I am now. Some of the benefits of the chamber made it very attractive. Read More …

How to Present Like Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is a masterful presenter, but he wasn’t always. Presenting is learned, just like typing or any other business skill. What makes Jobs so good? Communications expert Carmine Gallo has a few ideas. In a recent Webinar sponsored by Citrix Online, Gallo shared 10 presentation tips he learned from observing Jobs. Make a plan Read More …

Should Your Service Dept. Blog?

I am pitching to a couple of manufacturers to set up a blog with their service people to cut and paste their emails, service reports, etc. into a blog categorized by product. Have their customers subscribe to get updates on products and to see problems others encountered with like equipment. I think it is great Read More …

Marketers Buy News Coverage

  Is this not old news? Or is just because we have a statistic now. However, if you have good targeted content, I don’t think you have to purchase. However, I think the number is low, don’t you?   One in Five Marketers Bought Ads in Return for News Coverage Nearly 19% of senior marketers Read More …