Referral Week – do something

Technorati Tags: Duct Tape Marketing ,Referral Week ,Referral Flood ,BNI ,Referral This content from: Duct Tape Marketing Tired of Hearing About E.D. – then do something. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting tired of all the talk of economic downturn (E.D.) and I think, as a group, small business owners are too. Therefore Read More …

Join John Jantsch Live with Seth Godin

  This content from: Duct Tape Marketing Join Me Live with Seth Godin The future belongs to those who lead. We have always had tribes – churches, schools, community groups, but they’ve been organized around place. Today we have tribes organized around ideas and the technology to tie those ideas together like never before – Read More …

Measure “shared” engagement with your social media effort

Measuring to improve is a very important part of getting better. Since many metrics and modalities exist its important to classify engagement and put specific measures in place to track and monitor them. This post will give you one set of measures to answer the question “How do we measure the value when someone “Digg”’s Read More …

Your Marketing Organized

An excerpt from: Duct Tape Marketing Your Marketing Organized One of the most difficult tasks for small business owners, when it comes to marketing, is organization. Until you start to look at marketing as one of the core systems in your business it will always feel like a disjointed and disconnected thing that you know Read More …

Forgetting the Obvious, TQM & SCORE

Sometimes, I forget the obvious. Does that ever happen to you? Much of my background has always been predominantly in Small Business, manufacturing, process equipment and even defining it further in construction related fields. As, I was organizing my TV show content, I looked at two organizations, Fort Wayne SCORE and NIBAC, formerly the TQM Read More …

Can you be Practical while being Remarkable!

When in doubt, challenge the strategy, not the tactics. Seth’s Blog: Thinking bigger The bigger point is that none of us are doing enough to challenge the assignment. Every day, I spend at least an hour of my time looking at my work and what I’ve chosen to do next and wonder, “is this big Read More …