Systems2win will exhibit at the Dallas AME Conference

Systems2win will exhibit at the AME, Association of Manufacturing Excellence, Dallas 2011 International Lean conference to be held October 24-28, 2011. Systems2win is a supplier of Lean and Six Sigma software tools and will be highlighting their Value Stream Mapping, A3 Management tools and their Standard Work template. Dean Ziegler, founder and owner of Systems2win Read More …

Product Managers embrace Open Innovation?

The Perfect Storm has come together of Excess Capacity and Product Variety was a blog post from a while back that quoted Carol Ptak as saying, “A lot of people have focused on the fact that the Economic times right now are really bad. What a lot of people are missing is the fact that Read More …

Lean: The Value Stream Manager

Overview: The Value Stream Manager is responsible for maximizing return on investment (ROI) through his particular value stream of customer identification, customer value, customer acquisition, customer retention and customer monitoring (Value Stream Mapping Customer Value). He translates this value stream and assigns it in conjunction with the team coordinator to particular teams similar to how Read More …

Improve your Sales Cycle, Work on your Feedback Loops

When I start talking about speeding up the sales cycle the initial reaction is that the sales cycle is controlled by the customer and there is just not much we can do about that. I usually counter with, most companies understand that there is an average sales cycle time and if we just agree that Read More …

Lean, Quality, Six Sigma Consultants and Organizations – 28 Day Marketing Program

I am putting a different twist on these programs. All of the webinars will be distributed at the designated time to provide a structured learning concept but they will be yours to keep. I won’t be taking the time off though. In addition to the webinar training, I will be offering the participants the opportunity Read More …

Continuously Improving thru PDCA eBook

This is a transcription of the podcast, Continuously improving thru PDCAthat I had with Dean Ziegler of the Systems2win Company. Systems2win provides a standardized set of easy-to-use Excel templates for business process improvement with surprisingly inexpensive self-paced online training and eye-popping flexibility to personalize your templates to fit your needs to dramatically improve the speed, Read More …