You can’t Segment a Market, a Market is There

Professor Malcolm McDonald, until recently was Professor of Marketing and Deputy Director, Cranfield University School of Management, with special responsibility for e-business, and is now an Emeritus Professor at the University as well as being an Honorary Professor at Warwick Business School. Coming from a background in business which included a number of years as Marketing Read More …

Achieving Explosive Growth with Traction

Gabriel Weinberg is the founder and CEO of DuckDuckGo, the search engine that doesn’t track you with over three billion searches in 2015. Previously he was the cofounder and CEO of Opobox, which was sold for $10 million. Weinberg resides in Valley Forge, PA and on twitter @yegg. He is author of Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Read More …

Optimize Your Organization for Learning

I ran across this tweet from Marshall Kirkpatrick @marshallk, CEO @GetLittleBirdWhat” “What if networked, faster learning was what big organizations were optimized for? (instead of efficiency)” He had linked in this YouTube Video to the Tweet: John Hagel’s speech at the 5th Global Peter Drucker Forum in Vienna. John Hagel III has nearly 30 years Read More …

Intangibles Create Our Success

Part of The Lean Minute Collection on YouTube We need to understand the underlying forces of these relationships and what is critical for this activity. The conversation we must have, the value that must be delivered. Our models need to include the intangibles or informal exchanges that really build relationships. CAP-Do (More Info): What makes Read More …

Spend Your Time Where Customers Are

Part of The Lean Minute Collection on YouTube Don’t think about WHERE you should stick your next ad or send your next newsletter. WHERE is about the communities that you spend your time in. Successful marketers today spent their time in the business that their customers are in. The simplest way to do that is Read More …

Lean Construction Stack

This is a collection of Business901 Podcast Transcriptions, called Stacks (see below) through my Issuu channel: The Lean Construction Stack I organized this stack on Lean Construction interviews with Gregory Howell, Alan Mossman and others along with a little Project Management. I ended up with 7 publications in the stack at the time of this publication. Stacks Read More …