Lean Marketing Conversation Infographic

What I like about the CAP Do process is that it starts by comparing the actual work or our standard. Without doing this often, we may change just for the sake of changing, not knowing the appropriate reasons for changing. Adding C. Otto Scharmer’s  work that he captured in the book, Theory U: Leading from the Read More …

Does Lean solve the Wicked Problem of Sales and Marketing: SD-Logic

In our Sales and Marketing efforts we typically try to systemize the process so that we can become effective and efficient in our efforts. We build sales and marketing funnels to accomplish this. In Design, we create customer journey maps and service blueprints to improve the customer experience. Both types of efforts though well intended, Read More …

A Lean Practitioner

Ken Rolfes of KDR Associates, has spent more than 30 years in public and private companies that design, manufacture, and market technically based products for the medical device, industrial product and computer industries. He has extensive Lean Enterprise experience in general management, new product development, cost management systems, turnarounds, acquisitions and divestitures, and various financial Read More …

Description of Check Act Plan Do Model

CAPD Introduction: The Deming Cycle or The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model is a proven framework for implementing continuous quality improvement. These four steps provide the framework for continuous improvement. The PDCA cycle basically starts with a plan and ends with an action in accordance with the information learned during the process. Starting with Check is not Read More …

Lean Marketing Conversation – CAP Do

In past blogs, I discuss using CAPD (Check – Act – Plan – Do) or CAP- Do as the beginning cycle for Lean Sales and Marketing. It was term popularized by many that were directly influenced by Dr. Deming, such as Brian Joiner and Yoji Akao. Even with the direct influence of those three I Read More …

The Art of Asking

Amanda Palmer commands attention. The singer-songwriter-blogger-provocateur, known for pushing boundaries in both her art and her lifestyle, made international headlines this year when she raised nearly $1.2 million via Kickstarter (she’d asked for $100k) from nearly 25,000 fans who pre-ordered her new album, Theatre Is Evil. This was a very interesting video for me. I Read More …