Blog website designed by a blogger!

The Duct Tape Blogsite project is live and ready for orders. So, What’s a Blog Site?: A blogsite is a full featured, search engine friendly website that just happens be built on the world’s greatest blogging software (WordPress). So your business gets the web presence you know you need, a blog, and a website that Read More …

Everyone is beating up on Print Media

I have been reading post after post about print media outlets clos ing and what they need to do about it. It seems like it is never ending and everyone has an opinion. Even Me! So, here I go to voice and give an opinion: Start using direct targeted pieces more. Use ads with codes Read More …

Celebrating my picture in Tribes

Ok, There are a lot of pictures on the inside cover of Tribes , a lot. Does it mean much, not really. But how Seth is introducing his book might. Not only did he pre-sell a bunch of books and created a community before he did it but the reward? He included your picture in Read More …

More Branding Ideas

I just finished Branding Only Works on Cattle by Jonathan Salem Baskin. One of my favorite bloggers, Chris Brogan just finished the book also. Chris said:  "By the end, I really loved the ideas, and I came away really reconsidering some of how I talk about marketing and have shifted a little bit of what Read More …

Should you have a Social Media Presence?

Mitch Joel of TwistImage did not ask the question but said: You are expected to have a Social Media Presence! He backed it up with these statistics: "93% of online Americans say companies should have a social media presence and 85% believe these companies also should be interacting with consumers through social media. And more.. Read More …

Blogging Mistakes

David Meerman Scott wrote a great blog on blogging mistakes . If you want to see some classic examples just read a few of mine! I think the most important advice I give to anyone though is to be someone. Bloggers are known to have opinions. Make sure you don’t leave yours on the desk. Read More …