Help Increase Food Safety Awareness

This year-old startup, ApRecs, is trying to qualify for the Chase Mission Main Street Grant. They are on a quest to bring technology to the Agriculture Industry, and specifically to Tree Fruit Growers. They would like to accelerate product development that will put what is developed in Washington State as the standard for the global Read More …

Should Behaviors Drive our Personas?

Cutting through Clutter and Competing on Clarity When I venture out to improve the sales and marketing process, these are core ingredients that I need to address for a successful outcome. The primary source for this information is from the book and handbook of Bill Jensen, Simplicity: The New Competitive Advantage in a World of Read More …

Moving Sales Compensation

We are seeing a shift in organizational structure that is unprecedented in modern times.  This shift seems to dominate most social media forums, discussion groups and conferences. It has permeated even the largest of organizations. Being agile and innovated is not enough. We have to be transformational and disruptive to meet today’s demands. Our organizations Read More …

Boundaries of Kanban in Sales & Marketing

@markusandrezak. is my guest next week on the Business901 podcast. Markus Andrezak is speaking at the upcoming Lean Kanban Central Europe Conference (It is Hamburg, Germany, Nov 4-5, 2013) about Boundaries of Kanban – Disruptive Innovation. An overview of Markus’s talk sums up our conversation in the podcast quite well. Lean Kanban Central Europe Conference: Read More …

Successful Practices using The Silva Method

I have been familiar with The Silva MethodTM for many years and have not always been a proponent of it. Jose Silva had no formal education and had little in the way of any evidence that what he taught was correct. In spite of all this, he created what we refer to today as an Read More …

Are User Personas that tough?

Many of us when we think about User Personas, Buyer Personas, User-Experience Design or whatever flavor we would like to call it, feel that it is this mysterious process that is highly technical or very creative. Well the truth is that you can make it whatever you would want but the best User Personas are Read More …